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Antique Vintage and Collectables including Objet D’Art 17
Venue address
Junction 36 Auction Centre
Milnthorpe, Cumbria
United Kingdom
Antique Vintage and Collectables including Objet D’Art 17

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 01, 2024 08:00 AM BST
Ends from: Aug 18, 2024 07:30 PM BST
Viewing dates
Aug 07, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Aug 08, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Aug 09, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Aug 14, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Aug 15, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
Aug 16, 2024 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM BST
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We found 157 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
A mid-20th Century Bernard Rooke (b.1938) style stoneware vase, with applied Brutalist decoration,
145 GBP
150 - 200 GBP
A 19th Century Continental porcelain vase, of lozenge shape and having applied floral encrusted
30 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A mid-20th Century studio pottery vase of Troika style, of tapering form with Brutalist design,
85 GBP
150 - 200 GBP
A late 20th Century Jane Charles studio glass scent bottle, signed to the underside and measuring
75 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
An early 20th Century continental planished pewter bowl of Arts & Crafts design, diameter 24cm
26 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A pair of 19th Century Continental porcelain cabinet plates, by Zsolnay Pecs, having reticulated
155 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
Two 19th/20th Century brass alms dishes, one decorated with the coat of arms of Margate and the
40 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A Moorcroft bulbous shaped vase, decorated in the Orchid pattern against a cobalt blue ground,
60 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
A 19th Century lidded pewter casket, of Art Nouveau design and rectangular in form, measuring 24cm
46 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A pair of 20th Century Italian green cased glass vases, of urn form with half fluted bodies on
36 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
An attractive 20th Century Tiffany style stained glass lamp, of Art Nouveau style, the shade
60 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
An assorted selection of 20th Century ceramic and glass breweriana, to include a pair of Carlton
34 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
An attractive early 20th Century hexagonal Sherdley amber coloured glass bowl, of Art Deco design
10 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A 20th Century studio art glass vase by Adrian Sankey, of tapering form and decorated with a pink
12 GBP
15 - 25 GBP
Two 19th Century Staffordshire porcelain St Bernard Dog studies, one having glass amber eyes, each
16 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
An early 20th Century Denby Danesby Ware ribbed jug in the 'Electric Blue' glaze, having painted
20 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
A 20th Century Richard Batterham cut sided stoneware jar, measuring 15cm high
110 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
A 19th Century Japanese Imari bottle vase, decorated in typical blue and red colours against a cream
20 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A Victorian cranberry glass lidded bowl, measuring 16cm high, and a selection of other decorative,
26 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
Two pairs of attractive Portuguese ceramic candlesticks, hand painted in polychrome and blue and
32 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A mid-20th Century Royal Copenhagen Aluminia Faience porcelain lidded dish, the lid hand decorated
30 GBP
15 - 25 GBP
An Alfred Meakin porcelain coffee service, comprising coffee pot, cream jug,
32 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A selection of Royal Crown Derby 'Derby Posies' patterned porcelain, to include a quatrefoil
46 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A quantity of 20th Century Chinese Republic porcelain tableware, hand decorated in polychrome with
165 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
An early 20th Century Fenton china part tea service, of Art Deco style and hand decorated with bands
16 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A late 19th Century copper Pot Pourri bowl of Art Nouveau design, measuring 13cm high, and a
16 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A 20th Century Royal Worcester porcelain cabinet plate decorated with a floral spray within a duck
16 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
An Edwardian silver plated serving tray, of oval form with galleried edge and raised on four moulded
20 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
A pair of large decorative vases, hand painted in an oriental style with a striking peonies design
16 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A pair of Art Deco Leighton pottery turquoise lustre pillar vases, shape 4902, and each measuring
46 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
A group of four Denby Blue Jetty water goblets, each measuring 15cm high
26 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A pair of 19th/20th Century Continental spelter figural ornaments raised upon turned wooden bases of
18 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A mid-20th Century hand painted glass lemonade set, and three decanters, to include a Bohemian style
10 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
Three mid-20th Century Japanese Imari Ware polychrome cabinet plates, each with a diameter of
16 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A 20th Century Mason's Ironstone 'Chinese Peony' patterned plate, diameter 27cm, and four Mason's '
12 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A mid-20th Century Italian pottery vase of spherical form and decorated with a band of blue petalled
32 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A mid-20th Century Collingwood china part tea service decorated with hand painted flower heads
42 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
A 20th Century yellow studio art glass bowl with blue striped design, measuring 9cm high, together
16 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
A 20th Century terracotta tile, illustrated with an abstract pear design against a brown/cream
16 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
A selection of 1970s Villeroy and Bosch tableware in the 'Izmir' pattern, comprising teacups,
44 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A quantity of Oneida Community plated cutlery and a flat iron
30 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
A late 19th Century toilet jug, bowl, and chamber pot, of Aesthetic Period design featuring floral
20 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A 19th/20th Century Japanese Satsuma ware charger of scalloped outline, decorated with warriors,
150 GBP
30 - 50 GBP
A 20th Century Chinese blue and white vase of bottle form, with stylised decoration and measuring
12 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A selection of vintage brass and copperware, to include nautical themed embossed plates, a 'Bless
12 GBP
20 - 40 GBP
An assortment of cutlery and flatware including Larko Chromium plated part canteen of cutlery sold
10 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A selection of silver plated ware, to include two white metal pheasant studies, scalloped dishes,
40 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
An assorted collection of vintage horse brasses
100 GBP
15 - 25 GBP
A 19th/20th Century engraved Indian brass tray, of circular form with a diameter of 60cm
24 GBP
15 - 25 GBP
A Royal Osborne 'Caprice' pattern part dinner service having black and grey stylised design (65
10 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
A 19th Century Indian etched brass tray of scalloped outline, measuring 50cm in diameter, a larger
30 GBP
30 - 40 GBP
A Hornsea Pottery 'Contrast' part dinner/tea set comprising of forty pieces approximately.
20 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
A selection of plated ware including a Mappin and Webb tea set, gallery tray, two wine coasters
60 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
An assortment of silver-plated ware including teapots, tankards, condiment set and a chafing dish
36 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
A Royal Staffordshire, Willow Ironstone by JG Meakin octagonal part dinner service (34 pieces
26 GBP
15 - 20 GBP
Fourteen Wedgwood Jasperware Valentine's day plates including 'Anthony and Cleopatra', 'Cupid
40 GBP
40 - 60 GBP
A selection of silver-plated ware and flatware consisting of teapots, milk jug, salt and pepper
65 GBP
30 - 40 GBP